Head Over Boots Reviews
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3 Jun 2019, 7:18 PM
Timothy Jake
Aside from people who don’t mind that country music doesn’t sound like country music anymore, one of the common complaints that we get for our criticism of the current major country music players is that we’re expecting too much and that not every song has to be deep and meaningful.

While that’s certainly not a point that anyone would argue, there’s a difference between frivolous fun and dumb drivel. Jon Pardi’s latest single is an example of good pop country that is able to strike that precarious balance of lighthearted fun without crossing over to mindless drivel.

With a catchy melody and irresistible clap line, “Head Over Boots” is an endearing celebration of true infatuation and developing love. Pardi sings of his intention to show his date a good time, which doesn’t mean partying on a tailgate or getting skunk drunk in a bar, but rather, sweeping her off her feet on a dance floor and acting “like they’ve never met before.”

He even expresses hope that he won’t let her down, because he imagines a future with her, “Maybe one day we can make it a thing/ Test time and grow old together/ Rock in our chairs and talk about the weather.”

“Head Over Boots” is not deep nor is it even meaningful and it even has some clichéd lyrics, but it’s fun and sweet and avoids the machismo hook up mentality that pervades today’s country music. Instead, it focuses on a legitimate budding relationship. What’s more, it can’t be overlooked that it sounds like a solid pop country song with discernible fiddle and steel.
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