Todd Hoffman Lyrics
Todd Hoffman
Todd Hoffman net worth is estimated at $400 hundred thousand. Hoffman, a television personality is an American gold prospector. Todd Hoffman net worth came from his salary as host to a TV reality series, Gold Rush as well as from his earnings from his gold mining business since the 1980s. He started an aviation company but had to sell off almost everything to get out of debt. He then decide to gamble to go for gold prospecting in Alaska. He along with his friends who wanted to become rich moved to Porcupine Creek in Alaska to strike gold. Todd Hoffman net worth started to accumulate after he landed a show, Gold Rush on the Discovery Channel which began airing in December 2010 chronicled their search for gold with a goal to build a new community in the wilderness that would allow all of them to live life simply and "off the grid". He along with some of his fellow cast mates have spent some time hunting for gold outside of Alaska in remote area of Guyana, Chile and Peru which also became contributory factor to Todd Hoffman net worth. Now, Todd is a huge inspiration for a lot of individuals who has showed the world that dreams do become a reality if you are brave enough to dream big.