Stay song lyrics
It's telling this is all too good
Turn around after ,waiting for something more
Dum da da da da dum
It gets me mad that I left you all to late
You didn't leave , now I watch you drift away
Dum da da da dum

So you can find me , in the tallest building in the tallest city
And I'll build a ladder to the rooftops
I'm screaming from my lungs
I'm sorry I messed up

So darling won't you stay here ?
I'm asking you to wait
So darling if you stay here
I promise I can change
And every conversation always ends the same
Darling if you stay here
I can find a way
But only if you stay

Truth be told I messed it all away
I'm afraid leaving pain from my mistakes
Dum da da da dum

So you can find me , in the tallest building in the tallest city
And I'll build a ladder to the rooftops
I'm screamin from my lungs
I'm sorry I messed up

So darling won't you stay here ?
I'm asking you to wait
So darling if you stay here
I promise I can change
And every conversation always ends the same
Darling if you stay here
I can find a way
But only if you stay

The Vamps - Stay (Song Lyrics)

The Vamps - Stay (YouTube Video and Karaoke)

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